I am in my eighth floor office watching a half dozen construction workers demolish what appear to be old chimney flues on the roof of a neighboring (government) building. I can only assume that they are working to repair the roof, but the jackhammer that they are using is very distracting, and not helping me concentrate on work. (Which is a daily struggle anyway.)
Watching them while partaking in my ritualistic morning diet coke, makes me wonder if they are happy and like the way that their life is going. I have been grappling recently with the same questions, and still have no answers. I had a long conversation recently with a very good friend, and she asked me what I wanted, and more importantly how (and where) did I want to be living when I was 35. (only just over 6 years away!) This is the bigger puzzle that I am working on.
For now, I am trying to adjust the smaller pieces, mostly some friends. I am trying to figure out where BJ fits into my picture, if at all. We were lovers, now are friends, and for me, there is still a question that needs to be answered. As for S, he and I have been involved off an on for almost 12 years, mostly as friends. I know that we will never be anything more than friends at this point, and I am ok with that. I do have a tendency to remain friends with my exes, and I think that is a good thing. I talk to several of them regularly, including S, BJ, and some of the J's.
But the more complicated BJ and S issues aside, I am revisiting (for the umpteenth time) what to do about another old friend. I am tired, SO tired of hearing from GIG when things are going wrong, and being used as an escape. I barely hear from GIG when things are going right, or when GIG is coupled. Then, we NEVER see each other, and when we do talk, it is always about the other 1/2 or their "friends." I am tired of being the back up. At some point, I deserve to come first.
Deep thoughts on a Thursday morning. Oh, and in case you were wondering, BJ, GIG, S, Bulldozer are initials of names & nicknames, or just straight nicknames I have for the individuals, because I would not want MY name out there in cyberspace. (and most of them read this blog from time to time).